Falling up is defined as capitalizing on the downs to build upward momentum in the organization. When faced with a challenge, there are three paths one can take. One of these is falling up. By learning how to identify this path and how to take it, you are able to end up stronger, wiser and more resilient as a result of the challenges you faced.
Read MoreOne of the best ways to gain a new perspective is to get outside, even in the colder months. Mother Nature has the ability to increase your awe and wonder, allow you to see more options and opportunities, decrease stress and expand your mind, and encourage you to spend less time with technology. All of these things put together have the ability to quickly boost your mood and put you in a more creative space.
Read MorePlay is an extremely useful tool in the workplace. It doesn’t have to be complicated and can be achieved easily through things such as icebreakers, music, dance, and even a group walk. By incorporating elements of play into the workplace, people become less stressed and sick less often. It can increase productivity and morale which is a win win for everyone!
Read MoreIt is important for leaders to identify their own strengths in order to lead more effectively. Additionally, it is just as important for them to focus on and help identify their employees’ strengths rather than their weaknesses. In doing so, leaders are able to create an environment where employees are able to achieve great things.
Read MoreMeditation is a fantastic tool that has a positive impact on our well-being. This app can help you on your meditation journey. With the wide variety of meditations in the app, there is truly something for everyone.
Read MoreWe all spend a great deal of time where we work, and it is especially because of this, we deserve to be happy there. Happiness in the workplace is often equated with money. However, what really makes people happy in the workplace is results and relationships.
Read MoreNegative people can have an adverse affect on our well being. Everyone has them in their lives whether it is a family member, friend, or coworker. By utilizing the tools laid out in this post, you can have more “happy” emotions when dealing with these types of people.
Read MoreSelf discovery is “the process of acquiring insight into one’s own character.” It is through self discovery that you are able to become an even better version of yourself. By following these six steps, you will learn more about yourself and take that information to create the life you want.
Read MoreExercise is extremely beneficial for our physical and mental well being. The impact of creating a healthy exercise routine can be felt both in the immediate, and later down the road. One of the quickest types of exercise is HIIT training. HIIT training allows you to get the benefits of 5 hours of aerobic exercise in just 20 minutes a day, three times a week.
Read MoreAnother name for envy is jealousy which is a natural emotion. By taking this emotion and reframing it by focusing on our values, we can turn it into something positive. One way is by practicing mudita, which translated means pure joy unadulterated by self-interest. This is the opposite of envy.
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