How to Remain Calm During Chaos



Hello. I am Tia Graham. Welcome back to my weekly YouTube show. I'm delighted that you're here. Today I'm going to talk about a topic that is very meaningful and really important right now, and will serve you and your team as you move forward. The topic is how do you stay calm during chaos? There is a lot happening in the world right now. There's always a lot happening in the world, but right now it feels especially acute. It feels especially chaotic. I'll even use the word crazy with all of the information that is coming at us from the news, over social media and even how the information is spreading to each other.

Like you, I am a working professional balancing my personal life and my professional life, navigating all of the information and all of the changes that are happening at what feels like a hyper, hyper speed. So as a leader, as a working professional, how do you find calm and keep calm during very chaotic times in the business world and in our personal lives? We are all interconnected on this globe. So I'm going to give you some tactics and some strategies that you can use right now and I want you to share these with the team if you are a leader. Share these with everyone that is working with you and partnering with you. You can also share this with clients because every single person is looking for inner calm and outer calm right now.

So the first is to think about your energy level. If you're feeling depleted, if you're feeling tired, that is a place that you're going to need to start. And where do you get energy? You get energy from having a good night's sleep, from the food that you eat, from exercising. If you have a meditation practice or any type of spiritual practice, you're going to get energy there. You're also going to get energy from the people that you really care about in your life, the friends and family. So making sure that you are reserving space for them every single day and every single week. And if there are people that are sucking energy, maybe giving them less time and space. You might get energy from supplements. You might get energy from a yoga practice. It's personal to you, but in order to live a life of calm and to find calm during chaos, you need to really have energy to do so. So I would say, number one, start there and figure out if there are sources that are actually depleting your energy to think about that. If so, stop or minimize the things that you're doing that are currently taking away your energy.

Another way to find calm is to step back and in a way, step away, I will say. We are in this very, very fast paced environment, every single one of us, that's working with emails and Zoom and meetings and phone calls and to do lists and everything that is on our plate. By stepping back, whether that's on a Sunday evening or if that's during lunch and you actually get away from your work, get away from everything you're working on, and step away from your phone and step away from your computer, ideally go outside and just spend time with your thoughts, not trying to solve anything, not trying to make this decision, but actually just stepping away from all of the thinking and letting yourself see where your mind goes. I hope that makes sense for you. So number two, in finding more calm is stepping away and stepping back.

Tia Graham:

The third thing I want you to do is I want you to make sure that you are relaxing during your week. There's a lot of chaos, there's a lot happening. You need to relax. So whether you relax by putting your feet up, having a glass of wine with your spouse and watching a funny show, whether you relax by taking a bath. You might relax by reading. You might relax by watching sports. How do you relax? That is going to serve you in finding more calm during this time.

The fourth thing I want you to do is I want you to look at who and what in your life brings you calm and do that. So for example, I get calm when I am listening to inspirational speakers. When I am watching Ted talks. For whatever reason, when I'm learning and hearing from other people, that learning, that forward growth makes me feel calmer, makes me feel more confident, makes me feel centered.

So think about what you can do that is personal, that brings you calm and do that. Although there's a lot out of our control, you absolutely can feel calm and centered right now. If I think back to a time in my life where I felt the least calm was right after I went back to work and I had really, really young kids and I had my job and family and I was balancing everything. I really, really had to focus on creating that calm myself because nothing in my world was calm. So you absolutely can do it. Make it a priority. And as a leader, it's your responsibility to bring calm and bring centering to every single person that's on your team.

If you liked this video, if you found it to be valuable, please subscribe to the YouTube channel. Tia Graham, Arrive at Happy. There's a new video for you every single Friday at 10:00 AM, Pacific. I'm here to elevate your own personal happiness and wellbeing, and also bring resources to everyone within your organization. So stay calm, focus on your centering, and I'll see you right here, next week.


podcastsTia Graham