Why I Started Arrive at Happy



Hi, there. Welcome to my YouTube channel. I am Tia Graham, the founder of Arrive At Happy, and I want to share with you why I have made it my mission to make other people feel happier, to teach the science of happiness and neuroscience and to bring positive psychology and evidence-based research of how to boost employee morale into companies and organizations around the globe. Happiness has always been really, really important to me. I have made huge life decisions based on wanting to be happier or wanting to get back to that place of joy that I have known throughout my life. Just like you, I've had ups and downs, good months, bad months, good years, bad years. But in those challenging times, I have always made it a priority to try and get back to that place of happiness.

I started this company about four years ago when I was really struggling with my own happiness, and I was a director of sales and marketing for a hotel in Los Angeles and was trying to balance all of the different aspects of my life. And I started researching what makes people happy? What makes life worth living? What makes you happy while you're working and so on? And I discovered the science of happiness, or positive psychology. And since then I have been on a quest to acquire knowledge and to teach and educate and motivate people to really increase their happiness, to make them a better leader, to make them a better manager, to make them a better employee and to help them in all aspects of their lives. There is so much incredible information. There's so much proven research out there that a lot of employees, a lot of organizations, a lot of teams are not using.

And so, whether it be through keynote talks or through workshop series or through leadership master classes or advising companies, I bring in this information to help them create a better culture, a thriving culture, create a place where while people are working, they feel happy. It's more than job satisfaction. It's I teach leaders in teams, how to be happy while they're working. And when you are more happy, while you're working, you are more creative, you are more productive, you are more innovative. And all of that creates what? Better business results, happier employees create happier customers. Happier customers are loyal and will tell everyone about your brand or about your company or about your service.

So that is why I created Arrive At Happy, why I am on the planet to do this work. And I can't imagine doing anything else for the rest of my life. It's an honor and a privilege. And I hope that this makes you a little more interested to learn more about the science of happiness and to learn more about happiness at work. If you like this video, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. I have a new video every single Friday at 10:00 AM. Pacific. Each video teaches you about personal happiness, teaches you about how to increase your positive leadership and get great results in all areas of life and business. So hope to see you back here next Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific.


podcastsTia Graham