New SEC Rule on Human Capital



Hi, this is Tia Graham, founder of Arrive at Happy. And today's video, I am going to be sharing exciting news that relates to happiness at work. So I learned about this from the one and only Arianna Huffington. And in November, the SEC came out with a new rule about how investors and how companies need to look at their human capital, at the human beings in their organization. So companies are now required to disclose their human capital resources, which is huge, awesome news. And specifically companies need to share about how they are attracting human beings, how they're developing them professionally and how they're retaining them.

Now, this isn't new in that, of course, humans matter to business. Can you imagine having a business without human beings? The importance is that now companies need to share exactly what they're doing. And of course human capital drives performance. And a lot of this is coming from what's been happening over the past year, the COVID pandemic and all of the issues that have been raised with diversity and inclusion, in addition to mental health, as well as our wellbeing and happiness.

I'm super excited about this because it's the start of something that will contribute to a larger ripple effect. You know how much I care about happiness at work and this new rule, that hasn't been updated since 1977, is another great positive step in the happiness resolution and the future of work. If you liked this video and you want more, subscribe to my YouTube channel, there's a new video on happiness and happiness at work every single Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific.

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