How to increase your feeling of awe


Do you remember every single day that you are a mortal being? Tomorrow is not a gift. Are you aware of all of the incredible wonder that is around you every single day and the miracles that take place every single day? And do you bring this into your work and into your life? Or is the emotion of wonder inspired by the sacred and the sublime? And I talk about, awe, an increasing awe in step one of my Be A Happy Leader book and my Be A Happy Leader Methodology, step one is start with you. And part of starting with you and focusing on your own wellbeing is living with a sense of awe.

So how can you increase your sense of awe, this feeling, this emotion? You can spend time more time in mother nature. You can watch incredible documentaries and read books about people doing motivating inspiring things with their life. You can also increase awe by spending time with children and supporting other people. Just to name a few.

There was a 2019 study done and it's called The Proximal Experience of Awe. And in this study, what they did is, they gave people virtual reality goggles and these people experienced going up into space and looking back on earth. Imagine being able to experience that. And that perspective of zooming out not only increased their feelings of awe, but they also felt more gratitude, more compassion, more love, and more optimism for the future. What leader in person doesn't need that? And in addition, all of these people also felt more connected to humanity, felt more connected to one another, and that is exactly what the world needs now as well.

I get a tremendous amount of awe by traveling, by getting on airplanes and going to new places around the world, and also by traveling locally where I live. I get so much awe from discovering new places and I want you to get the same.

This is all part of step one of my Be A Happy Leader Methodology. I want you to pre-order the book today. And by pre-ordering, you get three bonuses. The first is a mini course. The second is theBe A Happy Leader Workbook. And the third is the Be A Happy Leader Resource Kit. All of these are included when you buy the book today. So make sure you check it out. If you like this video, subscribe to my channel. There's a new video every single Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific. And remember to focus on increasing your awe today.

podcastsTia Graham