Are you really overwhelmed


Are you in a state right now of complete overwhelm and stress and anxiety, and every single day you wake up in the same state? Do you feel overworked and tired and you just can't get your head above water? I have been there. One story that comes to mind is when I was the associate director of sales for the five W Hotels in New York City. I was leading a huge team, also selling myself, learning about the market, and the financial crash had just happened. All of our business was being sucked out of the hotels, I had multiple hotel owners to deal with, multiple general managers, trying to keep the sales team motivated, and I had never been in this situation before. I had never worked in New York City before. I was working from morning till night and felt completely overwhelmed with the situation at hand, and I didn't know the clear direction.

Yes, I was being resilient, yes, I knew I had inner strength, but the psychological, mental, emotional, physical exhaustion was definitely getting at me. I know that overwhelm is not a fun place to be, and yet it is pervasive in our culture and it is pervasive with successful working professionals. I want to give you my six tips to support you with this feeling of overwhelmed. I want to help you stop feeling overwhelmed so that you can thrive and be successful, and also inspire and support those around you. You see, emotions are contagious, so your feeling of overwhelm is affecting your colleagues. It is affecting your team. It's also affecting your family and your friends. Emotions are contagious, so let's move from overwhelm to thriving.

The first is, I want you to accept and recognize that you're in a state of overwhelm. I want you to talk about it. I want you to write about it. I want you to realize where you are and be okay with, yes, you are in this state. The second thing I want you to do is, I want you to write down your top six values and your top five or six priorities. What are your values as a human being and what are your priorities in your life and in your career? All right, you're going to make two very simple lists. Third step is, I want you to look at your calendar. I want you to look at your weekdays and your weekends and see where you are out of alignment. How is your calendar not aligned with your values? How is your calendar not aligned with your priorities in your life? And I want you to start making adjustments. You're going to be taking things out of your calendar. You are going to be adding things in so that you get more in line with your clear values as a human being and your priorities.

All right, the fourth thing I want you to do is, I want you to look at boundaries and start setting more boundaries. There are family members, there are colleagues, there are clients, there are friends, there are all of these people in the world, children, that want us to be someplace doing certain activities and events. And, again, making sure that you're in alignment, you need to start saying, and this is actually number five, looking at the boundaries, is saying, "No." What do you want to say no to? And you're going to say no and know that it's okay, because you want to be aligned and you want to be connected with your values and you have clear priorities. It's easier to say yes to everything, but by saying yes to everything, you're going to continue to be in a state of overwhelm. Saying no to more things is a path to thriving and to happiness and to fulfillment, which leads me to number six, stop feeling overwhelmed.

This is, make sure you are taking care of your meds daily, meditation, exercise, nutritious diet, and seven to nine hours of sleep a night. It's going to be nearly impossible to go from overwhelmed to thriving if you are not taking your meds. My name is Tia Graham. This is Arrive At Happy YouTube. Make sure you subscribe to my channel. There's a new video to help you arrive at happy every single day at 10:00 a.m. Pacific.

podcastsTia Graham