How to go to sleep happy


How often do you feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed when it's time to go to sleep? How much anxiety and overwhelm are you holding in your body at the end of the day? I want you to be able to go to sleep happy and well every single night. And I want to give you my proven steps that I use to go to sleep happy, and I know that they will be beneficial for you too.

So the first is if you're a very busy executive, just like me, you're going to have a very big to-do list. So at the end of your day, do a brain dump and write down everything that you want to remember so that it doesn't take up space as you're trying to go to sleep. I don't want you to have any caffeine, ideally, after 10:00 AM. Okay, maybe noon if you really, really love coffee, but do not have any caffeine in the afternoon or evening. Turn down and turn off your technology at least an hour before bed, meaning television, phones, iPads. Read a book or talk to someone that you live with and just power down from the technology.

I really, really like drinking tea, one glass of tea, before bed. Again, no caffeine. As part of this happy sleep routine, I make sure that I have said that I care about the people in my life. In my case, it's my husband and my daughters. Whether you live alone or live with people, of just having a positive closing of the day with the people in your life. I have a gratitude journal next to my bed. So a few times a week, I will write down two or three things that I'm really grateful for. It's a wonderful practice to go to sleep.

And in my bathroom, I have some positive word primers. So, what are word primers? They're words in your environment. So, I have a beautiful picture that says, "Live fully." I also have a rock that says, "Trust." I look at these words every single morning and before I go to bed, and that helps me have happy sleep. And last but not least is have a consistent bedtime. If you're staying up late and going to bed early, if you're just continuously staying up late, it's going to be difficult to go to sleep happy. So, try and get in bed at a regular time. And even though you might be missing out on a Netflix show or two, I promise, it's going to help you go to bed early.

If you like this video, subscribe to my YouTube channel. There's a new video every single week at 10:00 AM Pacific, and I hope this helps you go to sleep happy.

podcastsTia Graham