10 Habits of Highly Successful People


How successful and how happy do you want to be? What are your big dreams? What are your huge goals? And what is the life that you want to create and design intentionally for yourself and for your family?

I am excited to give you 10 habits of highly successful people. And guess what? These habits also connect to your happiness. And as you know, happiness and success are 100% connected. So let's go. Make sure you have a pen and paper, write these down, and figure out which habit you want to incorporate first and build on this list of 10.

Number 1, seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Sleep is crucial for success and happiness so make sure you're getting at least seven hours.

Number 2, water. I want you to be drinking at least half your age in ounces of water a day. Keep a big jug of water next to where you're working, wherever you're spending time, and drink water all day long, especially right when you wake up in the morning before you have that first cup of coffee.

Number 3, movement. Successful people move and exercise throughout their week, and they know that that helps them be successful.

Number 4 is, successful people prioritize connected time with their friends and their family. So throughout your weekdays and your weekend days, have connected time with your friends and family.

Number 5, time blocking. The most productive people in the world take breaks every 50 minutes. So instead of trying to do so many different activities in an hour and multitasking, I want you to set blocks of time where you focus on one project, and then stop, take a break, and then focus on the next project. Time blocking is a game changer.

Number 6, meditation. I love using the app Insight Timer. I also focus on five count breathing. Make sure you have time for presence and meditation every single week.

Number 7, journaling. Gratitude journaling, planning, reflection, journaling on your emotional wellbeing. Journaling is key to success, so make sure that you are taking that time whether it's morning, evening, Sunday, afternoons. Successful people journal, and it is proven to make you more successful.

Number 8, successful people read the news. They do not watch the news on television. I am so passionate about this. Read the news. Stay informed. Decide when you want to read the news, not all day long. Get the information stay informed, but don't let the news make you have a negative mindset, okay?

Number 9, successful people read books. Books on professional and personal development, biographies, business books, whatever you're interested in, books about the area of business, parenting books, marriage books. Successful people read consistently.

And number 10 habit of highly successful people is rest. There are many different reasons why rest is so important. You get insight when you're resting. You recharge when you're resting. Your immune system strengthens. You recover from stress. You have more awareness and presence.

These are 10 habits of highly successful people. I hope you enjoyed this video. Subscribe to my YouTube channel. There's a new video every single Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific. This is Tia Graham from Arrive At Happy. And if you want to learn more about my company, go to my website, arriveathappy.com.

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