How to Create Psychological Safety


Have you ever been part of a team, where safety and trust is just not there? Have you ever been part of a team, where the leader is not clued in to what the group is feeling and how they're thinking? And have you ever been part of a team, where there's side conversations happening and there isn't this culture of openness and authenticity? One of the biggest drivers of success in teams, is psychological safety. Google is one of the leading researchers on team psychological safety, and actually did this project called, Project Aristotle, where they analyzed all of their high-performing teams around the company. And the researchers found that the teams that had psychological safety, were the ones that outperformed. It wasn't about individual players, it's about how the team works together.

So, what are the key components of psychological safety? Well, the first is that, there needs to be equality and fairness in terms of communication. So when there are meetings and when there are different types of communication, every single person on the team speaks up and speaks equally. It's not the situation where you have two or three people out of the team dominating the conversation. That's not a team that has psychological safety. So I ask you right now, is every single person in your team communicating equally and speaking up with their ideas and what they think, and also what they disagree with?

The second part that the researchers found is that, the team members were so in tune with each other, that they were actually able to interpret if team members weren't doing well and if they felt a certain way through nonverbal communication. The team members were so connected with each other in these psychological safe environments, where through their body language, through what they didn't say and how their energy was with the team, that their counterparts knew how they were doing. So as a leader, how do you create a team with psychological safety? In addition to everything I said, you must create an environment of care and of connection and of value, vulnerability and of course, authenticity. I challenge you to increase your levels of psychological safety this year and by doing so, you will reach new business heights. If you liked this video, subscribe to my channel. And there's a new video every single Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific, I will see you next week.

So I want you to think about at work and at home, or if it's the same place, while you're working, while you're not working, what in your life is giving you energy and what in your life and at your work is draining your energy. Energy gainers, and energy drainers. You need to be crystal clear on what is filling you up and what is depleting you. Now, as a leader, you are responsible for bringing infectious, positive, optimistic, energetic energy to your team. You need to light them up and have them excited about the mission and achieving the goals and making a difference. That is a key part of your role.

How are you spending your mornings? What are you doing when you're at lunch? What are you doing in the evenings and on the weekends to grow your energy? Are you sleeping seven to nine hours a night? Are you eating nutritious food that gives you energy? Are you exercising and moving? Are you dancing, listening to music? Are you spending time in mother nature? Are you having fun with your friends and family? Are you reading and nourishing your brain with incredible talks and personal and professional development? A happy leader has infectious energy. What are you doing to increase your energy for yourself and your team today? If you like this video, subscribe to my YouTube channel. A new video on personal and professional happiness every single week at 10:00 AM Pacific. Hope to see you again next week.

podcastsTia Graham