“Sales improve 37% cross-industry when our brains operate at POSITIVE than at negative, neutral or stressed.”
Sales Team Workshops & Retreats
Every sales person is unique. Arrive At Happy’s Sales Team Workshops and Retreats are designed to arm your sales professionals with the knowledge and tactics they need to have a consistent POSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC MINDSET to win more deals.
Your sales professionals will learn science-backed, proven ways to increase their happiness and wellbeing both professionally and personally. Sample Topics:
The Science of Happiness
The Upside of Stress
Emotional Wellbeing
The Mind Body Connection
Relational Wellbeing
Internal Motivation
WEBINAR: 90-Minutes
WORKSHOP: 2-4 Hours
RETREAT: Full-day
Tia Graham, Founder of Arrive At Happy, successfully led and motivated sales teams for 14 years. She is a Positive Psychology Expert, a Certified Coach, and a Certified Chief Happiness Officer - Happiness at Work. FULL BIO