Virgin Hickman - Mark Virgin



In this episode, Tia Graham interviews Mark Virgin, owner of Virgin Hickman Law Firm. Mark shares insights on how to balance focusing on driving business results and building positive relationships, how to prevent burnout in executives and teams, and how to create a positive culture with high morale and low turnover.


Topics discussed

  • The importance of communication in maintaining a balance between driving business results and building positive relationships

  • The significance of regular check-ins and face-to-face interactions for team members

  • Supporting lawyers’ wellbeing and preventing burnout through careful monitoring of working hours

  • Creating a safe environment where team members can openly discuss their concerns and happiness levels

  • Protecting the team by hiring the right people and being vigilant about maintaining a positive culture

Key takeaways

  • Communication is key in maintaining a balance between driving business results and building positive relationships.

  • Regular check-ins and face-to-face interactions with team members create a stronger team and higher satisfaction.

  • Careful monitoring of working hours can help prevent burnout in lawyers and ensure their wellbeing.

  • Creating a safe environment where team members can openly discuss their concerns and happiness levels is crucial.

  • Hiring the right people and being vigilant about maintaining a positive culture helps prevent unwanted turnover and boosts morale.

Notable quotes

  • “Communication is key because you want to ensure that your team knows where your head is at and do a check-in with everybody in order to see that they’re comfortable with where the business is going.” - Mark Virgin

  • “Ensuring that you communicate as much as possible and do regular check-ins creates a much stronger team because people feel an attachment to the company.” - Mark Virgin

  • “If you’re not happy in what you’re doing, that’s going to come through, and I want people to have what I’ve got right now. I mean, I love getting up and going to the office, whether it be virtual or in person, and yeah, I just love what I do.” - Mark Virgin

  • “It’s imperative to eat well, sleep well, and exercise in order to maintain your sanity and energy level.” - Mark Virgin

  • “Surround yourself with positive people in both your work and personal life to maintain a positive and optimistic mindset.” - Mark Virgin

Entities mentioned

  • Virgin Hickman Law Firm

  • Ottawa Valley


leadership, balance, communication, relationships, business results, burnout, wellbeing, culture, turnover, hiring, positivity

podcastsTia Graham