Have You Arrived at Happy?

What comes to mind when you read the phrase, 'Arrive at Happy'? Does it spark a burst of joy, evoke images of satisfaction, or even a sense of accomplishment? Does it transport you to a workplace environment bursting with energy, a motivated and satisfied team? The idea of 'Arriving at Happy' is more than just a catchy phrase; it's a philosophy and the heartbeat of a thriving organization.

I first dreamt of launching a happiness-focused company over 15 years ago, propelled by a curiosity that others had about the source of my infectious optimism and sustained joy, even in the face of significant challenges. They wondered, "How did she manage to arrive happy?"

This quest culminated one night during a date with my husband. We brainstormed, laughed, indulged in a cocktail or two, and pondered the possible names for this happiness venture. At the exact moment, we both said, 'Arrive at Happy,' and the rest is history. This brand, this movement, is much bigger than me. From that moment, I knew it had to continue growing and educating leaders to eventually touch every home, every organization, and every society.

Dr. Tal Ben Shahar captures it well when he says, "Happiness is the ultimate currency." To 'Arrive at Happy' is to achieve well-being in all aspects of life. It doesn't imply a constant euphoria but rather the resilience to navigate life's storms and bounce back stronger. It's about fortifying your emotional and psychological immune system and nurturing the relationships that foster happiness.

'Arriving at Happy' extends to the workplace, as well. The Danes have a term, "Arbejdsglæde," which encapsulates the concept of work happiness. Happiness at work is equated to a team that feels energized and satisfied, leading to productivity and, in turn, substantial revenue and profit growth.

Imagine an organization where people are not just surviving but thriving. This is possible, and the organizations that have figured out this concept significantly contribute to their teammates' well-being through benefits, education, time off, and the ability to create connections in the workplace. This happiness amongst teams creates a ripple effect, extending into families, communities, and society.

Now more than ever, it's vital that we start taking happiness seriously, both at work and in life. We must prioritize well-being and happiness just as we do success and fame. If countries can measure Gross National Happiness (GNH) similarly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), why shouldn't organizations or schools be assessing happiness?

The secret is that research, neuroscience, and psychology are there. We have all the tools to increase happiness at work and in life. The challenge is committing the time and resources to do it.

So, let's start today. Let's prioritize happiness. Let's measure, foster, and infuse it into our work culture. Together, we can increase the number of people confidently saying they're 'Arriving at Happy' in their personal life and at work. After all, 'Arrive at Happy' is not just a destination but a journey, a transformative way of living and working. That's what 'Arrive at Happy' means to me.

I encourage you to consider incorporating this happiness revolution into your next team retreat. Let's work together to 'Arrive at Happy' and create a ripple effect that will benefit your team, your organization, and the broader society. Contact me today to take your first steps.

Tia Graham is an international speaker, best-selling author, and consultant on positive psychology and engagement. She has worked with dozens of global companies, such as Marriott Hotels, Hewlett Packard, and Kashi Foods, to elevate employee engagement and drive bottom-line results. Prior to founding her company, Arrive at Happy, she led teams at luxury hotels in the United States and Europe for brands such as W Hotels, Westin, and The London.

With multiple certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and employee retention and over 14 years of leadership experience, Tia is widely regarded by business leaders in her field. Her insights have been featured in major media, such as CNN, Forbes, and Fast Company, to name a few. Her new book, Be a Happy Leader, teaches her proprietary 8-step methodology on driving productivity and business growth through a culture of happiness.



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