Does your Work Culture Need to Evolve?

How much have you changed over the last few years? Are you still working the same, or have you evolved your office culture, giving your team a different way of working? In today's workplace, business leaders need to prioritize the holistic well-being of their employees. The research shows that leaders and companies are not changing fast enough based on their employees' needs, resulting in low productivity and high turnover.  

The traditional work week of 40 hours, with minimal vacation days offered or used, is no longer conducive to employee happiness. They want more time with their families, time for hobbies, exercise, and sleep. They also want to volunteer and contribute to their communities and societies. As a leader, supporting these needs and prioritizing your employees' holistic well-being is crucial. 

The benefits of prioritizing employees' holistic well-being are numerous. For example, Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world. Regardless of the political environment and high tax rates, the Danes receive nearly free childcare, as well as University, and people have up to 32 weeks of paid maternity or paternity leave. On average, a work week in Scandinavia is approximately 37 hours. With all these benefits, Danish employees are happy while working, less stressed, and motivated, which results in increased productivity, sales, and a better customer experience.  


The expectations of the leaders need to change. If you are wondering how you can adjust your current workplace culture to increase employee flexibility, it is essential to review the following areas of your organization. 

Live by example. Demonstrate a balance between work and your personal life. Show your employees how you prioritize your time and show them you are not always working.  

Listen to your employees. Actively listen and talk to your employees and determine if your office culture works for their lifestyle. Ask them open-ended questions to gain insight into what they like and what they hope will change within your organization. Then, figure out how to start implementing some or all of these changes.  

Employee Leave. Offering paid leave for your employees is critical so they can adequately care for their new child or a sick loved one. Review your extended leave policy to ensure it offers ample time off if your employee needs it. 

While reviewing company policy, check to see whether your organization provides adequate time off so your team members can rest and recharge. Allow time for your employees to actively participate in stress reduction activities, like hobbies, spending time with loved ones, exercising, or volunteering. Show your support as a leader, and organization, to your employees, and give them the time needed to rest and recharge. 

As a business leader, it is essential to prioritize the holistic well-being of your employees. Focus on being a results-focused organization rather than an hours-focused organization. By doing so, you will adapt your work culture to meet your employees' expectations and needs, resulting in increased productivity, sales, happiness, and employee and customer retention. Happy leaders make successful leaders; if you want to learn tactical ways to increase happiness in your workspace, contact Tia today! 

Tia Graham is an international speaker, best-selling author, and consultant on positive psychology and engagement. She has worked with dozens of global companies, such as Marriott Hotels, Hewlett Packard, and Kashi Foods, to elevate employee engagement and drive bottom-line results. Prior to founding her company, Arrive at Happy, she led teams at luxury hotels in the United States and Europe for brands such as W Hotels, Westin, and The London.  


With multiple certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and employee retention, and over 14 years of leadership experience, Tia is widely regarded by business leaders in her field. Her insights have been featured in major media, such as CNN, Forbes, and Fast Company, to name a few. Her new book, Be a Happy Leader, teaches her proprietary 8-step methodology on driving productivity and business growth through a culture of happiness. 



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