Build the Life You Want with Oprah and Arthur Brooks

Have you ever pondered the essence of happiness within your organization and how it transcends into a thriving work culture? The answer may lie in a profound yet simplistic ideology – 'happierness'.  


This concept, illustrated in the engaging narrative by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey in their book "Build the Life You Want," opens a new frontier for leaders aiming to foster joyful and fulfilling work environments. 


Embracing the full spectrum of human emotions.  

An uncomfortable feeling is not a glitch but a mirror of our shared human experiences. Acknowledging this broad emotional palette is the stepping stone towards cultivating a culture of metacognition - where individuals are encouraged to analyze their thought processes to create a more empathetic and supportive work environment.  


A helpful strategy in this journey is to 'externalize' our emotions. We can gain detached yet insightful analysis by viewing our emotional responses from a third-person perspective. This fresh outlook can enhance personal emotional intelligence and a broader understanding of the emotional dynamics within our workplaces.  


The power of shared adversities  

Often, narratives are tilted towards celebrating triumphs; however, sharing stories of overcoming challenges can resonate on a deeper level, forging stronger interpersonal bonds. Transparency from leadership in sharing their stresses and navigational strategies through challenges sends a robust message of resilience and authenticity to teams.  


These narratives nudge toward desiring less, encouraging a culture of contentment over constant wanting. Doing this can pave the way for a more grounded and satisfied workforce, nurturing a more wholesome work culture.  


Delving slightly into the realm of faith, showing trust in larger purposes or in your teams can resonate profoundly, fostering a culture of trust and coherence indispensable for collaborative success.  


The double-edged sword of social media 

The book describes social media as the 'junk food of connection.' It often fosters transient, superficial interactions. However, mindful engagement can become a platform for meaningful connections, resonating shared values and goals, and nurturing a sense of community among teams.  


Navigating life's lows by embracing emotions, practicing gratitude, and self-compassion  

Oprah is a personal beacon and a reflection of the ethos that should permeate our organizational cultures.  


The notion of 'happierness'—a state of continual growth in happiness, stands as a beacon of hope and a vision worth striving for in our relentless pursuit of organizational excellence. As leaders, we are responsible for weaving this transformative notion through the organizational fabric.  

Together, let's navigate through the diverse shades of organizational well-being, embarking on an expedition filled with enriching experiences and substantial growth. Contact me today, to get started


Tia Graham is an international speaker, best-selling author, and consultant on positive psychology and engagement. She has worked with dozens of global companies, such as Marriott Hotels, Hewlett Packard, and Kashi Foods, to elevate employee engagement and drive bottom-line results. Prior to founding her company, Arrive at Happy, she led teams at luxury hotels in the United States and Europe for brands such as W Hotels, Westin, and The London.    


With multiple certifications in neuroscience, positive psychology, and employee retention, and over 14 years of leadership experience, Tia is widely regarded by business leaders in her field. Her insights have been featured in major media, such as CNN, Forbes, and Fast Company, to name a few. Her new book, Be a Happy Leader, teaches her proprietary 8-step methodology on driving productivity and business growth through a culture of happiness. 



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