Boost Happiness When You Fly


Are you one of those people who hate travel days? You don't like airports. You don't like taxis, waiting. Are you one of those people? Well, I am here to give you some advice and tips so that you can actually be happy when you're traveling, happy when you're in airports.

The first thing I want to say is that be grateful. Be grateful that you are a human being that gets to travel. There are many people around the world that would love the opportunity. So that's the first step, be grateful. The second is get excited, whether you're traveling for business or whether you're traveling for work, where are you going, what are you going to do, get excited about it. The third is bring some items that make you feel happy, that make you feel calm. I always have a great book. I use the time to connect with old friends that I don't usually get to do because of parenting and work. I bring items that make me happy and I do activities that make me happy while I'm in the airport. And the last I will say is connect with people. Human connection is the number one predictor of happiness. So when you're traveling, talk to the people working in the store, talk to the people on the airplane, talk to people that are working around you and meet people.

I've already today met several people from around different parts of Canada. So you can absolutely be happy on travel days. If I can do it, you can too. If you liked this video, subscribe. There's a new video on Happiness and Happiness At Work every single Friday at 10:00 AM Pacific.

podcastsTia Graham