Are You a Curious Leader?

Do you think curiosity is a superpower that you have? How often do you think about being curious? How would you rate yourself on a curiosity scale from one to ten? As a business leader, you understand the importance of being driven and motivated to succeed. But have you considered the role that curiosity plays in your success?  


Bill Gates is widely known for his success with Microsoft but in the three-part documentary called "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates," viewers got a glimpse of Gates' addiction to gaining knowledge and learning. For example, he always carries around a book bag with 14 books that consistently get rotated so he can read and learn during his downtime, whether on a plane, waiting for an appointment, etc.  


The documentary even states that no matter the topic, if Bill is in the conversation, he knows more about it than anyone else in the discussion, and not in a condescending way. It is inspiring to see someone so curious, and there is no doubt that Gates' addiction to learning has played a significant role in his success as a business leader.  


You can harness the same superpower by cultivating curiosity within yourself and your team. Research has shown that curiosity is associated with higher positive emotions, reducing anxiety, increasing happiness, and improving psychological well-being. In "Be a Happy Leader," I talk about the importance of a leader fostering a culture of curiosity and encouraging team members to develop their curiosity. I call this conscious curiosity, and below are some strategies to help you tap into the superpower of curiosity:  


  • Take Notes: Always take notes, whether it is on your phone, computer, or notebook. It will help change the neural pathways in your brain and improve your overall knowledge and memory.  

  • Ask Questions: Always ask questions when learning something new, whether from peers, bosses, stakeholders, or other team members. Never be afraid to ask questions or go deeper to understand different perspectives.  

Try to learn and be around people with different perspectives, beliefs, values, and experiences. This will broaden your understanding of the world and increase your happiness and well-being.  

  • Understand Systems and Cultures: Remember that nothing in your career entirely revolves around you. We are continuously operating in systems, groups, and cultures, so it is essential to understand the perspectives and priorities of different people.  


As a business leader, you can encourage curiosity in your team by incorporating it into team meetings, one-on-ones, and the overall work culture. Always lead by example and be conscious of being curious in your everyday life. Happy leaders are successful leaders, and your thirst for knowledge is a superpower that can help you and your team achieve success and lead happier lives. If you want to learn more strategies to increase your team's effectiveness, contact Tia today!  


Arrive At Happy's mission is to inspire transformation through the science of happiness. Tia Graham is the founder and partners with organizations and individuals to increase their daily happiness and success in all areas of their lives. Relying on science-backed empirical data, she has gained the insight to prove and teach that happiness indeed leads to success.  


Tia has a Certificate in Happiness Studies and a Certificate in Teaching Happiness from Harvard's Tal Ben-Shahar and The Happiness Studies Academy. She is a Certified Chief Happiness Officer from Woohoo Inc., Europe's premier Happiness at Work organization. 



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