5 Actions to Increase Laughter in Your Life

Everywhere you look, there is negative news and negative content. It is getting increasingly difficult to escape the waterfall of negative information. How can you become more resilient? How can you bring in some positivity and amusement into your life? Life has ups and life has downs. It’s an incredible and sometimes challenging journey. I want you to prioritize laughter and enjoy the funny events and incidents in life.

Here are 5 Actions to Increase Laughter in Your Life Today:

1. Watch Stand-Up Comedy

There are so many extremely funny comedians out there and some really great shows! You can watch these on TV, youtube, or any other way that you consume content. Do not watch scary or depressing shows, watch people that will make your cheeks hurt from all that laughing!

2. Spend Time With Funny People

We all have those people in our lives who are hilarious and make us chuckle. For me, it is my two sisters. When the three of us together, we cannot help but laugh hysterically! Find the people in your life that are FUNNY and hang out with them, call them, or connect on zoom/FaceTime.

3. Read a Funny Book

There are some authors that have a way of writing where you cannot help but be right with the funny characters and enjoying the crazy events in the book. You can search for amusing books on Amazon and sit back and enjoy the joy.

4. Hang Out with Little People

Children have a fresh perspective on life and they are super funny! How they talk, act, and interact with the world can be super funny! Get really present, interact, and play with kids and I guarantee that they will have you laughing. It is exactly what you need right now.

5. Laugh at Yourself

Imagine if someone was following you around all day with a video camera. I am going to be that you do some funny stuff! When you make a mistake or make a wrong move, pause, sit back and chuckle at yourself. We cannot take life too seriously, there is truly humor everywhere if you look for it.

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articlesTia Graham